See Clearly, Live Freely!

LASIK has become a buzzword for laser vision correction. But with progress in medical science and technology LASIK is no longer the only option out there for those looking to rid themselves of glasses and contact lens wear.

Enter TransPRK, a laser vision correction procedure that evolved from early PRK from where laser vision correction all started! TransPRK is done in one seamless step under numbing eyedrops and using a single laser. It is a true blade-less, cut-less procedure.
It is also a true no touch procedure as there is no placement of suction ring clamps onto the eyeball. TransPRK has zero incidence of cornea flap complication risk that is a feared complication of other options. There is also less fear of cornea thinning issues and dry eye problems with this technique.

Why Clear Vision

Clear vision is undoubtedly something that we, those who are short-sighted, wish we could regain once more. Just imagine the endless possibilities we could have if only we weren’t burdened with spectacles and contact lenses!

In a perfect world with perfect vision, we could wake up fresh every morning and start our day without fumbling for our glasses or contacts lenses. We could go about our sporting activities freely, without being inconvenienced by any form of vision aids.

Oh, and if we could travel with clear vision! No more fussing over cleaning and packing our contact lenses. No more suffering from dry eyes due to prolonged contact lens wear.

It’ll be like a dream come true, wouldn’t it?

Laser Vision Correction, no longer a wistful dream!

Your second chance at 20/20 vision

Most of us started our lives with perfect 20/20 vision. Unfortunately, with the stressful vision demands of the hectic lifestyle we all experience today, we put our eyes through a lot of strain and defective vision begins to set in.

Yet regaining clear vision is no longer a wistful dream with today’s modern technology. We now have a choice to opt for modern laser vision correction and become free of our dependence on spectacles and contact lenses.